
Curated, unsorted list of good stuff on the independent internet:

Site Why?
Chase Seibert Blog Dev, now Engineering Manager at Dropbox. Originally inspired me to start blogging Dev topics, indienet advocate, nice travel blog
Julia Evans Legend! Great visualizations on various programming topics
Jonathan Wieben Former colleague, total self-starter, dev topics and tools Computer system security, indienet advocate. Motivated me to move to my own domain
Drew DeVault Dev, societal, cultural topics. Indienet advocate, too much wheel re-invention for my taste, but legitimate points!
Low-tech Magazine Alternative view on some technical, engineering problems (e.g. wind turbines, solar panels and hot water bottles!) Various musings, indienet advocate, travel reports, repairs and sustainability Dev topics, indie making (German) movie reviews by a computer science professor Indie, retro game dev, great tutorials
Jeremy Rose Programmer, indie game dev